(Oslo, Norway. May 5, 2007)
I'm an Aussie presently living in London. This blog normally consists of my random thoughts on a variety of subjects, ranging from politics to telecommunications technology, movies cricket, urban design, beer, cheese, and whatever else comes into my head.
They must have really stringent 'truth in advertising' laws in Norway?
I don't think our advertising laws are that strict, it's more a matter of good advertising: Norwegians like people calling a spade or spade and better undersell rather than oversell something here. This particular place used to have some of the cheapest beer in town, but these days it's almost as bad as everywhere else..
kristine: genuine honesty on the part of people is much better than anything compelled by government or law anyway.
Unfortunately I was only in Oslo for about six hours. (This wasn't planned. I booked my flights and then agreed to meet a friend in Gothenburg for lunch the next day. I then discovered there was no morning train from Oslo to Gothenburg on Sundays, and so had to leave Oslo at 5pm.
This was a shame, as I was there for long enough to figure out that it is a nice town (if not especially cheap). I will have to come back.
Well, there's no shortage of laws here, the last new law that made me wonder which planet I was on involved creating a DNA-register for dogs so that dog-owners not picking up their pets' poo could be fined - and such laws are quite common here. The marketing laws here have just not felt too constrictive for me lately, but then I'm not a marketer.
Oslo is quite charming, especially when you're not stuck here permanently, the only thing that makes it tolearble to live here for me is going abroad frequently, and yes, it's expensive - Norwegians must be the only people on earth that are likely to think of London as cheap...
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